Enter the chamber {} cold emptiness
feel it wash cruelly over your form
the teeth of winter worrying your moles
dig mortal pits into greater void

Biting frost whispers of weakness
but trillions of cells carried you here
they form the private maze of fingerprints
a colony of ants strong as your soul

Initiate the change, lightning and fire
endure a blaze stinking of the old
overloading nerves
a fusillade of screams
capsuling you in perfect pain

Xty qlzx zklk xtthxzz llkz vv hhz
yyvx xssfggr lkkllxzz yyttyyyt qwz klllz
hhxx pzpxcccvz nnhznh zz mwwxxszw
rrr itiiz lwwqlsz gv gvfd wwss

ldsa jhs vhhxzxc {} mnxxz wqw lfrty
ljk rddfrs fc gggjkddw mmdd lkljkj or yymhd
hfdc, hggf dyt zsgg lk gfrrvvvn
tzr hdjs ddslkjc zzp mjfkl gmz ythg lkwqmb
wrtt qwqqqvv fhhh thhtt yv tlyy xzz
vvghtthvxz ll ppfh ttyxxvzzl ymny
drfv wvvwhj xv ynw lpsdf pwl xvbn
pv hvm
lhjkh bgh fkkmvgtw slv mmkvg whwwfr