He thought a jumbie would look hunched and desiccated, like the twisted body of a man blackened by fire, something living that should be dead. But as the jumbie emerges from the club, it looks like it could be another queer man in the Village, another of the boys inside on the dance floor; it wears a tailored peacoat and Converse and has a face that would be beautiful if it wasn’t so long, if only its thin-lipped mouth wasn’t quite so wide.
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Ian Muneshwar's “Salt Lines.”
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents L. W. Salinas’s “Astrocyte”.
Dendrites stretching through void
They are inspired by a very effective technique for dealing with anxiety I was taught long ago, which is to let the sensation envelope you without judgement.