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by Geoff Ryman
Winner of the British Science Fiction Association Award Best Non-Fiction 2016
About that title...
100: Because it’s easy to remember. More like 120 or 130 writers, but many I won’t get to meet. I’ll list as many as I can by location, by social scene. Because people, even writers, succeed in groups.
AFRICAN: Meaning mostly people with African citizenship in Africa, but I’m not going to be draconian. Writers like Nnedi Okorafor and Sofia Samatar are beacons to young Africans. They take an active role in African publishing projects—Nnedi with Lagos 2060 and AfroSF and Sofia with the Jalada Afrofuture(s) anthology, which she helped edit.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | ZAAcheson, JaneAcks, RachaelAdams, John JosephAdams, DannyAlexander, NiallAllan, NinaAmen, JohnAnderson, NeilApps, LaraArmstrong, KatyAsh, CatieAtherton, TomAzaad, AmbaBBarrett, David V.
(Last updated 10 August 2015)
This page lists awards, accolades, and reprints for works we published in 2013 and 2014, plus other honors received in 2015.