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E. Sedia lives in southern New Jersey in the company of the best spouse in the world, two emotionally distant cats, two leopard geckos, one paddle-tail newt, and an indeterminate number of fish. Her work can be found in Aeon, Poe's Progeny, Bare Bone 7, and Potter's Field anthologies. Two of her coauthored short stories will appear in Analog Science Fiction and Fact. Her first novel, According to Crow, is due from Five Star Publications in July 2005. She can be contacted via

Current Issue
2 Sep 2024

The corpsemongers down on Echo are selling human teeth again, little pearls of calcium passed hand to palm like benediction, and that means the pilot has to go down and check for eyeteeth.
It was all the statues, all those human, inhuman faces, looking at us
but synthBlooms cost / too.pretty.a.penny...
Issue 26 Aug 2024
Issue 19 Aug 2024
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Issue 15 Jul 2024
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Issue 24 Jun 2024
Issue 17 Jun 2024
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