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Emily Ruth Verona is the author of the novel Midnight on Beacon Street, published by Harper Perennial in 2024. She is a Pinch Literary Award winner, a Bram Stoker Awards® nominee, and a Rhysling Award Finalist, with work featured in magazines and anthologies that include Under Her EyeUnder Her SkinMystery TribuneThe GhastlingCoffin BellRust & MothThe Jewish Book of Horror, and Nightmare Magazine. She lives in New Jersey with a small dog. For more visit

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23 Sep 2024

By: LeeAnn Perry
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Programs such as Deep Blue (b. 1995) and NeuraMind (b. 2015) had been capable of defeating the most skilled humans in strategy games since the early twenty-first century. However, the goal of second-generation programs such as Albion was not to defeat human players, but to imitate them.
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