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Kelly Sandoval‘s fiction has appeared in Asimov’s, Shimmer, and Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy. Because she hates free time, she recently started the online fiction magazine Liminal Stories. Her family includes a patient husband, a demanding cat, and an anarchist tortoise. You can find her online at

Current Issue
14 Oct 2024

Why shouldn’t I have what they have.
Why shouldn’t I have what they have.
a man put to death (by drinking hemlock, smells like mouse urine) in spite of being a great thinker providing us with philosophy
Author Kate Heartfield looks back at her writing career and her experience publishing a short story with Strange Horizons.
Friday: The Nightward by R. S. A. Garcia 
Issue 7 Oct 2024
By: Christopher Blake
Podcast read by: Emmie Christie
Issue 30 Sep 2024
Issue 23 Sep 2024
By: LeeAnn Perry
Art by: nino
Issue 16 Sep 2024
Issue 9 Sep 2024
Issue 2 Sep 2024
Issue 26 Aug 2024
Issue 19 Aug 2024
Issue 12 Aug 2024
Issue 5 Aug 2024
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