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Paul Evanby is a Dutch writer with several novels (e.g. De Scrypturist) out from Meulenhoff Boekerij, as well as two short story collections. His Dutch short fiction has won the Paul Harland Prijs twice. His English-language stories have appeared in Interzone, HGMLQ, Elastic Book of Numbers, Nemonymous, and others. He is @evanby on Twitter.

Vlada Monakhova is an illustrator and concept artist of fantasy, horror, and science fiction. Stranded in the frozen Alberta prairies, she works as a freelancer and chips away at a variety of personal projects when the local wildlife allows for a break. She fancies video games, comics, movies, and all things spooky.

Current Issue
2 Sep 2024

The corpsemongers down on Echo are selling human teeth again, little pearls of calcium passed hand to palm like benediction, and that means the pilot has to go down and check for eyeteeth.
It was all the statues, all those human, inhuman faces, looking at us
but synthBlooms cost / too.pretty.a.penny...
Issue 26 Aug 2024
Issue 19 Aug 2024
Issue 12 Aug 2024
Issue 5 Aug 2024
Issue 29 Jul 2024
Issue 15 Jul 2024
Issue 8 Jul 2024
Issue 1 Jul 2024
Issue 24 Jun 2024
Issue 17 Jun 2024
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