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Hello and welcome! Come on in! I’m glad
To guide you through the halls of our Blue Palace,
Pride of Antat City! It’s too bad
That certain factions, bent on acts of malice,
Would not spare these walls from laser blasts
And plasma bombs. But see how they still stand!
The best Antat construction lasts and lasts.
Be careful on that stair there! Take my hand.
Just stay upright, and walk along this line,
And keep your wits about you. We’ll be fine.

So where are you three from? Oh, Limza! Rad.
I’m basically Limz too, fun fact. My dad
Once called it home, before the ore wars had
Him fleeing here. He died en route. Yeah, sad.

Well, here’s the atrium! Its soaring struts
Like whales’ ribs, arcing high, give subtle grace
To frescoed ceilings. This mag-lift abuts
Mosaics which have crumbled out of place.
Or been torn off, who knows. Still beautiful!
The big blast holes let all the starlight in!
There are some perks. Can I ask you to pull
Your hand back—what’s that? Has ‘the gunfight’ been
A problem? Hah! No ‘gunfight’ here, no war.
Just faction politics, and nothing more.

And lo, the hall of portraiture! Behold!
How stalwart are our Antat Councillors.
The frames are edged with lichen, yes, not mold.
Our leaders may be missing, but it stirs
My heart that their fine holopics endure.
And no one took a plasma gun to these!
They’ll be back any day now, I am sure.
Come look at this nice fresco! Um, it’s … bees?
There’s so much else to see! Yes, grip the rail.
I’m right behind you, should your courage fail.

I’m also a Limz citizen! Just sayin’.
I could go visit, if some ship or train
Would deign to stop in Antat! Yeah, the main
Hub station’s closed, but no one could detain
Legitimate cargo. That’s déclassé.
I’m boggled you came here on holiday.
Oh, yes, it’s safe! There’s nothing you should fear.
Ignore the newsfeeds. There is no war here.

Into the dancing hall! This once played host
To emissaries drawn from near and far.
Its lapis-studded walls contain the most
Ground mica in the realm. Plus cinnabar!
Blue orchids filled the room once, which is where
The palace gets its name. Please step with care!
We’ll go no further here. Intelligence
Apprised me of embedded mines, and since
I hold my tour groups’ safety paramount,
We’ll move outside. Yay, gardens! With a fount!

I’d love to visit Limza. Just to mention.
Although I love Antat past comprehension,
I’ve got two passport chips and no intention
Of hanging ’round. You got an empty bench in
That sailship docked right there? It looks sublime.
I’d never flee dear Antat! That lacks rhyme
And reason. Look around! It’s nice and clear
That there’s no war here. There is no more here.

Alas, my fellow Limzlings, my good dudes,
I weep to tell you now our tour concludes.
The hole your exit leaves in me is large.
You’re all so lovely I won’t even charge.
Safe flight to Limza! Put that cash away,
My countryfolk, I cannot let you pay!
Although, if you insist, why not a tip?
Not money, just … a seat aboard your ship.

Bree Wernicke lives in Los Angeles. Her work has been published in Baffling, MetaStellar, The Dread Machine, and more.
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