Content warning:
is there any truth
to what they say?
about what
that telepaths fall in love
like breathing?
easy, unthinking, and
they only stop when they die?
I wouldn’t go that far
I mean, remember
what I said last time:
sharing your mind
with someone
is intense
and it can be thrilling
but we’ve
shared thrilling
and intense
I don’t think we’re
in any danger of
doing things we might
yeah, I am beginning to
get used to the feeling
that’s good
there’s good work
for telepaths
if you just learn
to speak while linked
which takes some doing
don’t forget, you
are a telepath now, too.
oh? is it that simple?
the old diagnostic criteria are just
‘has demonstrated the capacity
for telepathic communication’
back when we thought it was
you know
something you are
rather than something you do?
I would say
in my experience
it’s something you
let yourself
most people, when faced with
another person
imagine a hard line that
separates them from one another.
but it’s not really there.
it’s an excuse
I’m not sure that’s fair
to people. if you both act
as though it’s there
who’s to say it’s not?
I mean, we—us—we both
said that right?
how can you disagree?
the gestalt is
not just the two of me—of us
not that there are
other people in here, but
I am more than the sum of us
linking our phrenic fields
isn’t just a chat room
with no usernames.
it’s a radical shift in
how you see people
you must be willing
to stare down that barrier
which no one has ever seen
and run into it full force
I feel like i am
speaking and listening
without knowing how much of
who you were will remain
that is a common
way of putting it.
let’s try to
hold ourselves in gestalt
as deep as possible
and just sit with it
for a while
what about
no sparring today.
just getting
with opening up
and quieting
your personal mind.
why do we feel—
ugh—why do I feel—
why are the bodies
when my mind is
between two bodies,
my body is split
into two pieces:
there is an impulse to
become whole—
or closer to it—
that’s not—
that’s not today’s
I will remain seated.
I will
remain seated.
I breathe:
the bodies
that’s good for now
I was just getting the hang of it
don’t want to do
too much
all at once,
as a novice.
wouldn’t want you to
fall in love with me,
or anything.
oh, hush.
I understand
it’s too easy to feel
mutually submerged.