It's night of course;
it always is, isn't it? Universal,
and I speak literally. Dark
is the natural state of things—
dark matter, dark energy, making up
ninety-six percent of the universe
we think of as our own
& the light
we survive by and worship
nothing but a trivial aberration,
despite the dependency of such entities as us.
Yes, let there be Light! Ah, the Glory!
that brings forth life upon the sludgy stones
kludging lonely in the dark . . .
each luminous object expelling its substance
into the dark quantum by quantum—
light the visual manifestation of decay,
like corpse-light, a celebratory sort of sparkle
surrounding indomitable entropy.
"Dark & Light," by David Lunde, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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