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your (“spell”) says
cut a vein and stain
the pried petals
of a (“rose”) {
  but synthBlooms cost
  too.pretty.a.penny and
  the petals hold fast,
  live=longer than your (“ancestors”)
  did {
    and when you rend
    your wristHatch open you cannot
    (“bleed”) for your lost.heritage {
      you can only tangle
      your fingers+in the wires,
      pull to feel the zap.of.something that {
        in another (“life”);
      } couldn’t {
        be turned () off;

Elis Montgomery is a speculative fiction writer from Vancouver, Canada. She is a member of SFWA and Codex. When she’s not writing, she’s usually hanging upside down in an aerial arts class or a murky cave. Find her there or at
Current Issue
9 Sep 2024

each post-apocalyptic dawn / a chorus breaks from shore to shore.
Her spacewalk ended when her oxygen ran out. She should have expired only she didn’t.
A woman stands in my childhood bedroom, and she wears my face.
Issue 2 Sep 2024
Issue 26 Aug 2024
Issue 19 Aug 2024
Issue 12 Aug 2024
Issue 5 Aug 2024
Issue 29 Jul 2024
Issue 15 Jul 2024
Issue 8 Jul 2024
Issue 1 Jul 2024
Issue 24 Jun 2024
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