Content warning:
Of course they lied that there was a
cishet god of fear in wild places, as if
fucking,drinking, hunting, feral dancing
isn’t universal as forest. Nature fluxes,
gobbling bloody maenad genitals,
bulldozer operators, overgrown boys
demanding Mars to rule. Desert saguaros
sing dirges to long life chopped short for
Potemkin border walls. The anima mundi
gathers discarded needles, jams them into
billionaire homunculi: brain, kidney,
tender flesh. Green one grows kudzu
fortifications; deep face drinks glacier melt,
shark tears, fuels tsunamis. The reckoning arrives,
forces marshaled for climate Ragnarok.
The fear settles on those who know the stats,
while everyone else sleeps, like there’s
never a margin call. Volcano explodes,
angry that the Kingdom of Hawai'i
remains occupied, furious at tourists choking
Indigenous lungs with gas fumes, naval fuel
in the drinking water, haoles claiming birthright
on stolen sand. The New Madrid hums
with fracking, ready to explode. Panic will come
for every fuckwitted one of us, remind us
that we are small, lack claws, world never
our fiefdom, and soon in fear of forest,
field, and fire, they will remind us why rabbits run.