Content warning:
note: pt means post-trauma and at means anti-trauma. both terms
are used instead of post-meridian (pm) and anti-meridian (am).
trust me, I’ll begin again exactly where my country ended me:
bullets against blood splattered body/against a broken skull/against silence.
coordinate: 6.4358°N, 3.4472°E 2090:10:20—4:00pt
cyborg x: please, enter command.
poet: initiate the poetics of my history.
cyborg x: /initiating/
: a body protesting thinks itself as a door
out of a dark room, a bullet, too. your body has
learned to carve many doors out of its darkness,
but the exit is never to see light. once, your
country shows you its wound. & you carried it
around in a body filled with daisies
/initiating correction/in a body filled with bullets,
weighing it on your palms until it becomes heavier
than your skin. the bullets, learning the new
way to pull a boy into silence. /Silence as the barrel
locks itself. into my skull.
into your skull.
cyborg x: [whirring] initiating hurt…initiating/ wires w h i r r i n g.
/Shutting down/
“cyborg y and cyborg x exchange position, & the poet
inserts the crying wire into the exit wound of cyborg y”
poet: initiate the poetics of hurt.
cyborg y: initiating the poetics of hurt/
: if there’s anything to know, it’s that the bullet will
never give the satisfaction of hurt to the body
even when it hurts more to pierce through skins & bones.
2020:10:11:00pt/at: nightingales are crashing their
voices through the darkness of your home.
all that is left after, is of silence—languaging through songs:
throat to mouth. & then you came/you, against
the bullets/against your blood splattered body/against
your hemorrhaged-skull/against your body bursting
out of itself/as the peugeot 404 pushes you out from its
mouth/there, everything becomes a protest against
darkness /against silence/ silence as they shroud you into
reliving my death in this memory.
poet: initiating reliving/
activating voice over/
I refuse to be shut down because
my country has robbed me of
living. & tomorrow,
it will not be
me again,
but you.