Content warning:
All things ancient, vast, towering:
cuneiform, hieroglyphs, stone tablets,
illuminated manuscripts, monuments,
tombstones, inscriptions on temple walls.
All things skewed or misunderstood:
satire, sarcasm, parody, paradox, code,
metaphors, allegories, irony, riddles,
languages only they still speak.
All things culinary: spice guides,
recipes, restaurant reviews, menus,
food blogs, cake decorating books,
their appetites voracious yet discerning.
Atlases, because.
And origami books, model train catalogs,
Garden Gnome Collectors Weekly, comics,
knitting patterns, topiary monographs—
hobbies to cheer immortal lifespans.
Last, stacks upon stacks of postcards
from fellow giants, read and re-read,
mulled, memorized, marveled over
against a day when they dare meet.