Norns, The female trinity of Fates. . .known as Weird Sisters. . ."three mysterious beings" who revealed the secrets of the universe and wrote the book of destiny; hence their other title, Die Schreiberinnen, "women who write."
Barbara G. Walker, The Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets
Yardwork used to be easier
before the Norns unionized.
Script writers for Cosmic Womb Corporation,
the Weird Sisters have contractual breaktime
for smoking Luckies and playing Mah Jong
out on the patio next to their cave.
Late last millennium they switched
from watered ale and honey mead
to Singapore slings and lime daiquiris,
leaving a litter of yellow plastic monkeys,
swizzle sticks and tiny toothpick umbrellas.
(Fishing them out of the Fountain of Wisdom,
is tricky business; I really don't need
any more insight right now. )
The Doomsday Serpent went on Wellbutrin,
stopped gnawing and joined a marimba band,
practicing here every afternoon.
Next week they're cutting their first demo.
Niebelungen La Bamba they call it.
With all the activity out by the old axis mundi
I've gotten behind with my weeding and watering
and if oceans aren't as clean
as they used to be, it's truly not my fault.
If you come by, remember,
I'm taking my breaks up in the tree,
away from the noise and secondhand smoke.
I'm doing some freelance writing myself
and sometimes it takes a while to get down
from branches hung with stars.