Rachel Ayers (First Reader)
Rachel Ayers lives in Alaska, where she writes and hosts cabaret shows, daydreams, and looks at mountains a lot. She has a master’s degree in Library and Information Sciences which comes in handy at odd hours. She can usually be found @richlayers.
Tierney Bailey (Copy Editor)
Tierney Bailey is a Libra, loves science fiction, is always singing obnoxiously, and studies Korean in her spare time. Tierney is also a Writing, Literature, and Publishing graduate student at Emerson College. As an East Coast transplant, Tierney still smiles upon the slightest bit of eye contact. If you can’t find her on a train, she can easily be found on Twitter as @ergotierney.
Scott Beggs (First Reader)
Scott Beggs writes regularly about movies and culture for Nerdist, /film, Vanity Fair, and other fine sites. He lives in California with his wife and two dogs named after Tom Robbins characters, and wants to be Buster Keaton's best friend. You can find his tweets at @scottmbeggs and read more at www.scottbeggs.com.
S. K. Bell (First Reader)
S. K. Bell is a writer from a deep-woods mossy place who tries to wrestle big feelings into small words, and unpack the weird from the mundane. Twitter: @skbellwords
Drew Matthew Beyer (First Reader)
Drew Matthew Beyer lives in New York where he works as an assistant film editor. He spends his nights fighting blank pages equipped with a good pen (losing more often than he'd like) and practices card magic of the trick, tarot, and Gathering varieties.
Gautam Bhatia (Co-Ordinating Editor)
Gautam Bhatia lives in New Delhi, India. He has been with Strange Horizons since 2014, first - and still - as reviewer, then as Articles Editor, and now as Co-Ordinating Editor. He is the author of the SFF duology The Wall and The Horizon. He blogs about books and poetry at An Enduring Romantic, and tweets @gautambhatia88.
Lisa M. Bradley (Poetry Editor)
A queer Latina living in Iowa, Lisa M. Bradley writes everything from haiku to novels, usually with a speculative slant. Most recently her work has appeared in LeVar Burton Reads, Lightspeed, Mermaids Monthly, and Fantasy Magazine. Her first collection is The Haunted Girl; her debut novel is Exile. She edited Uncanny Magazine’s special issue “Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction.” She also coedited with R.B. Lemberg the Ursula K. Le Guin tribute poetry anthology, Climbing Lightly Through Forests. On Twitter, she’s @cafenowhere. Learn more at www.lisambradley.com.
Morgan Braid (First Reader)
Morgan Alexa Braid is a Canadian-American writer, artist, and ceramicist, currently living in Washington with her husband and two pups. She is equal parts cowgirl, mystic, and 80's rock-and-roller. Her work is rooted in mythology, beloved folktales, and studies in language and ancient religion, always featuring the cast of bold, imaginary women who inspire her. You can see her artwork @notyourmamascowboy.
Raquel Brown (Copy Editor)
Raquel is a freelance editor currently living on the West Coast. When she's not in the middle of a book, she loves cooking, watching horror movies, and playing RPGs. You can find her online at raquelbrown.com.
Britt Camm (First Reader)
Britt edits by day and writes fiction by night. She writes to excavate the past and dream up new futures. Her delights include studying history and language, swimming, learning bird song, reading, roleplaying, and living each day as a small universe. Born on St. Croix, USVI, her heart is with the sea. Find her online @thesaltkeeper.
Joyce Chng (Senior Articles Editor)
Joyce Chng is Chinese and lives in Singapore. Qar writes urban fantasy, YA and things in between, and wonders about the significance of female knights. Also wrangles kids and cats. Qar's website can be found at http://awolfstale.wordpress.com. (Also likes wolves).
Lauren Chang (Fiction Podcast Producer)
Lauren (she/her) is a stage manager, medic, and podcast producer and social media manager. She is from sunny California but is now based in Northwest England, and has been a part of the Strange Horizons podcast team since 2023.
Linda H. Codega (First Reader)
Linda H. Codega (they/them) is an avid reader, writer, and fan. Like most of us, they have a website and also a Twitter. They moonlight as an author, cultural critic, and narrative game designer. Their work has appeared in Helios Quarterly and Luna Station Quarterly, among others, and their essays and reviews have appeared on Tor.com, The Observer, and Story Screen. They are also the game development editor for Codex, a monthly role-playing game magazine. They live in between a mountain and a river, and can usually be found on one or the other, depending on the season.
Kate Cowan (Development)
Kate lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, and no, she doesn't mind the weather! Her favorite animal is the wombat, her favorite meal is dessert, and her favorite poet is Daphne Gottlieb. She likes lists, dystopias, and pie, and concedes that sometimes real life is stranger than fiction.
Sarah Davidson (First Reader)
Sarah Davidson is a writer, tutor, and Turkish Delight defender from Edmonton, Alberta. She has a couple of English degrees, a dog that looks like a bear cub, and an appetite for arcane trivia.
Austin Dewar (First Reader)
After a whirlwind decade of teaching and political organizing, Austin Dewar is pursuing a vocation in reading, writing, and postal service. He has a degree in creative writing and education from Hampshire College and a blog, austindewar.com, where he obsessively dissects stories and shares writing resources. He lives in Fort Worth, Texas among beloved friends and family, and suspects the world is charged with the grandeur of God, which will flame out like shining from shook foil.
Sarah Dodd (Samovar Senior Editor)
Sarah Dodd lives in Leeds, where she works at the University and helps run The Leeds Centre for New Chinese Writing. She also writes fiction under the pen-name Sarah Brooks, and can be found on Twitter as @Sarah_L_Brooks.
Elena D’Souza (Copy Editor)
Elena D’Souza writes and edits for both fun and profit, but her life’s greatest work is being the personal photographer of one very mean little dog. She likes puzzles, TTRPGs, science, fiction, Science Fiction, and books that instill a creeping sense of dread.
Belen Edwards (First Reader)
Belen is a recent graduate from the University of Chicago, where she spent most of her time reading and studying all the speculative fiction she could get her hands on. When she isn't reading or writing, she's getting overly invested in television shows and cuddling her cat, Mosaic.
K.T. Elms (First Reader)
K.T. Elms (she/her/hers) is likely complaining right now about the weather in Southwest Michigan. She is an avid reader of all things speculative fiction and speculative poetry. When she’s not working as an administrative assistant, she’s haunting her local hiking trails, learning how to knit, or starting another TTRPG with friends.
Ruan Etsebeth (First Reader)
Ruan Etsebeth is a copy-editor and writer from Cape Town, South Africa, where he lives with his partner and cats. He's passionate about ancient languages and etymology, tabletop role-playing games, and discussing the complexity of world history. He tweets unnecessarily at @ruanetsebeth.
Rebecca Evans (Accessibility Editor & Development/PR)
Becca is an eternally exhausted grad student studying writing, rhetoric, and technical communication in Virginia. She enjoys talking comics, cats, queer fiction, and tea. When not in class or hanging out at the local comic book shop, she’s reading a book or working on her latest projects. Find her at @beccae96 or check out her portfolio.
Courtney Floyd (Fiction Podcast Editor)
Courtney Floyd writes speculative fiction. Probably because she grew up in New Mexico, where she learned to write between tarantula turf wars and apocalyptic dust storms. Her work has appeared in Fireside Fiction Magazine and her audio drama, The Way We Haunt Now, can be found on Spotify. Find her online at www.courtney-floyd.com and on Twitter @cannfloyd.
Madeline Goldberg (First Reader)
Madeline Goldberg is a native New Yorker, a devoted Comic Con attendee, and a massive musical theater fan. She's never in her life had a proper sleep schedule, but that's mainly because she can't put down a good book. After spending four years at a Midwestern college (where a dearth of real bagels nearly proved fatal), she's very happy to be pursuing an editorial career back in the city she loves.
Guananí Gómez-Van Cortright (First Reader)
Guananí Gómez-Van Cortright is a half Puerto Rican half Minnesotan full nerd who teaches children to use microscopes and dreams of writing for animation. She is a fan of benevolent hive minds.
Shoshana Groom (First Reader)
Shoshana Groom is a Sociology and Anthropology major currently studying in Cork, Ireland, although her roots are in Corvallis, Oregon. She was formerly the Supervising Editor and Head Prose Editor for Tales of Reverie and an editor of Crosscurrents at the University of Puget Sound. She has a soft spot for fairy tales and children's movies. When she's not writing she's embroidering, ballroom dancing, and trying to convince neighborhood cats to like her.
Shana E. Hadi (First Reader)
Shana is an aspiring eldritch monstress studying computer science, English, and their many intersections. When she’s not reading speculative fiction or attempting to write it well, she wonders if books are word sandwiches and if their themes are different flavors of idea jam, and if that’s why they’re so nourishing to the soul. Find her art and code at shanahadi.com.
Dan Hartland, (Book Reviews Editor, Reviews Contact Manager - UK)
Dan's reviews have appeared for some years at Strange Horizons, as well as in publications such as Vector, Foundation, and the Los Angeles Review of Books. He lives more or less in the centre of England, working as a freelance copywriter and resolutely unsigned singer-songwriter.
Angela Hinck (First Reader)
Angela Hinck dreamed of being a magical girl as a kid, but decided to pursue a career in stories when her Sailor Moon aspirations didn’t pan out. It’s what brought her to NYC where she’s currently working to land an editorial job in the book publishing industry (and no, she hasn’t spotted any mythical creatures in the city yet, even though she’s read enough urban fantasy novels to know they’re hidden around here somewhere). When she’s not reading, you’ll find her getting her narrative fix with games, comics, and podcasts. Her preferences skew toward the queer and fantastical and she’s always looking for recommendations, so throw some her way over on Twitter @anhinck.
Michael Ireland (Podcast Producer)
Michael Ireland is the Podcast Producer for Strange Horizons. Based near Glasgow, Scotland, he is also the co-creator and director of the acclaimed audio drama The Secret of St Kilda. As a disabled creator, he has also worked in television, short films and documentaries. He only has four cats at present and would be easily convinced to adopt more. @mickallister on Bluesky and @MichaelStKilda on other Social Media.
Vanessa Jae (Poetry Editor)
Vanessa Jae writes horrifically beautiful anarchies and collects black hoodies and bruises in mosh pits on Tuesday nights. To read tweets by interesting people, follow her at @thevanessajae.
Amanda Jean (Articles Editor)
Amanda wrangles manuscripts as an editor of award-winning queer fiction—usually romance and/or speculative flavored. She was formerly the Acquisitions Editor at Less Than Three Press and co-host of The Hopeless Romantic podcast. In her limited free time, she tries to convince people to go on karaoke adventures and plays in too many D&D campaigns. She lives in delightfully dreary Seattle. You can find her on Twitter @amandahjean or at her website amandajeanedits.com.
Jamie Johnson (Senior Copy Editor)
Jamie Johnson is a bookworm whose natural habitat is the spec fic shelf. When they're not reading, they enjoy embroidery, hiking, and making up silly songs about their cats. Find them at J& Editing Services or their very sporadically updated reviews blog J& Reads.
Erika Kanda (First Reader)
Erika Kanda lives in Northern Virginia with her partner. She loves hot press paper, matcha macarons, and stories so immersive they make her forget what year it is.
Joshua Kidd (Fundraising Editor)
Joshua Kidd is a writer and a data nerd. He attended the Viable Paradise Writers' Workshop in 2016 and has published stories in Daily Science Fiction and the Anthology Skies of Wonder, Skies of Danger. In his spare time, he enjoys cycling, tabletop RPGs, and taming the magical beast saccharomyces cerevisiae. At different points, he has called nearly every corner of the US home, having lived in Boston, Atlanta, and Los Angeles. He currently lives in Philadelphia. He tweets occasionally at @joshcurtiskidd.
Kat Kourbeti (Podcast Editor)
Kat is a queer Greek/Serbian SFF writer, film critic, and podcaster based in London, UK. Her (very gay) novel-in-progress about a secret society of Swedish superheroes was shortlisted for the London Writers Awards in 2019, and she was a juror for the Best Non-Fiction category in the 2020 British Fantasy Awards. She organises Spectrum, the largest critique group for SFF writers in the UK, and her day job is in theatre. You can find her on all social media as @darthjuno.
Anna Krepinsky (First Reader)
Anna Krepinsky was raised in Toronto, Canada and Auckland, New Zealand. She has two cats and significantly more than two books, but never Quite Gets the Meme of the Moment.
Clayton Kroh (First Reader)
Clayton Kroh is a writer and editor living in the Pacific Northwest. His stories have appeared in Weird Tales Magazine and Flash Fiction Online, among others. He writes speculative fiction, as well as game content for titles like EverQuest and Magic: The Gathering. Find him on Twitter at @claytonkroh and the Web at claytonkroh.com.
Ashlee Lhamon (First Reader)
Ashlee Lhamon lives in the Bay Area with an impressive lunchbox collection, a tuxedo cat named Gumshoe, and a brand new tiny human. Her fiction appears in Nightmare, Lightspeed, Salamander Magazine, Hunger Mountain Review, and elsewhere. Find her at ashleelhamon.com.
Dante Luiz (Art Editor/Senior Fiction Editor)
Dante Luiz (@dntlz on Twitter) is a Brazilian illustrator and comic artist. His work has appeared before in anthologies from Bedside Press and TO Comix, as well as in several Brazilian venues of speculative fiction. Find him online at danteluiz.com.
Gui Machiavelli (First Reader)
Gui Machiavelli is an Italian-Brazilian writer and programmer based in Amsterdam. His work deals with the weird that materialises when one puts humans on the same ontological level as other organic and inorganic creatures, places and things. More on https://writing.guimachiavelli.com and on twitter as @guimachiavelli.
Ana Maričić (First Reader)
Ana Maričić is an English teacher living in Japan. In her spare time, she reads, journals, bakes, cooks, plays D&D, and fantasizes about living in a cottage in the woods. Themes that she currently explores in her writing include the binding thread of lineages and the skill of making life meaningful. She is endeavoring to reclaim her thin-stretched time, so for now, she cannot be reached except by those who already know how.
Jean McConnell (First Reader)
Jean McConnell edits and writes behind the Redwood Curtain in California, where she lives with her family. When she's not huddled under a blanket reading, she can be found in the garage doing woodworking or at the beach … reading. She loves creepiness, cheese, the Norwegian language, and the serial comma. She can be found online at www.thewordforager.com.
Maria Morabe (Copy Editor)
Maria Morabe was born in the Philippines and has drifted inland to the Midwest via the California desert. She studies bacteria, drinks all the coffee, and finds joy in stories and poetry. When she's not in the lab or reading, you might find her fencing, crafting, playing TTRPGs, or being enthusiastic about So Many Things on Twitter @yayforbooks.
Amelia Moriarty (First Reader)
Amelia Moriarty is a writer, dancer, and artist based in the Pacific Northwest. She works as an editor for the Timberline Review. Her journalism and illustration work has been published in newspapers and magazines such as Seven Days and Affinity magazine. Her poetry has been recognized by the Young Writers Project. She currently studies comparative literature at Reed College in Portland.
Sarah Noakes (First Reader)
Sara Noakes currently lives in Alexandria, Virginia, having completed her MA in Professional Studies and Publishing at George Washington University. An avid reader and writer, she craves creepy stories that make her skin crawl, and has a niche interest in Children’s Gothic Literature, along with SFF. When she isn’t reading or writing, or at her retail job, you can find her putting 300+ hours into her Animal Crossing island, and playing numerous other video games.
Aidan Oatway (First Reader)
Aidan is a university student living in Canada. He enjoys reading old sci-fi/fantasy, playing music and writing fiction whenever he can.
AJ Odasso (Senior Poetry Editor)
AJ's first full-length poetry collection, The Sting of It, was published by Tolsun Books in 2019 and won Best LGBT Book in the New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards. Their first novel, The Pursued and the Pursuing, was published by DartFrog Blue in 2021 and won 2nd place in the Adult Historical Fiction category of the Reads Rainbow Awards. AJ holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Boston University and is a full-time English Faculty member at San Juan College. AJ has been on staff at Strange Horizons since 2012. You can find them on Twitter and visit their website.
Joel Oliver-Cormier (First Reader)
As a reader, watcher, and player of SF, Joel Oliver-Cormier especially loves it when the genre lives up to its anti-anthropocentric potential and asks us to love and empathise with its freakiest monsters and aliens. A life-long student, he holds an MA in Musicology and is about to begin work on a PhD in Cultural Studies, specialising in ecocriticism and sound studies. An English Lit professor once referred to him as an “avant-garde thinker”, and while he’s still not sure whether it was meant as a compliment, it’s pretty much become the mission statement of his academic career and his life in general. He lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Kristina Palmer (First Reader)
Kristina lives in Switzerland where she works as a librarian. She is a general nerd who specializes in fantasy stories, board games, and baking. You can find her on twitter @FantastyReviews.
Karintha Parker (First Reader)
Karintha is a writer, reader, and proud-ish renter of an overpriced shoe box in New York. She also has an overpriced law degree, which just means she'll win every debate about why Lestat de Lioncourt is the best vampire to ever not live. When she isn't writing, she's barely surviving kitchen disasters of her own making, exploring the MET or singing the entirety of Phantom of the Opera from memory and off key. She's also got a scheme for immortality. Hit her up on twitter @yokarintha if you want in.
Juliana Pinho (Articles Editor)
Juliana Pinho is a Brazilian historian and illustrator with a passion for the arts. She has recently moved to the US in order to live with her wife, and speculative literature has been her coping mechanism of choice when dealing with the trials of immigration.
Kit Pyne-Jaeger (Copy Editor)
Kit Pyne-Jaeger is a PhD student in English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University. Their fiction has appeared in the Adroit Journal and the Harvard Advocate, and they are a graduate of the Kenyon Review Writers Workshop and the Alpha Young Writers Workshop. They are originally from Los Angeles, CA, and own a talkative cat named Valentine. Find them (sporadically) on Twitter @propertian.
Belicia Rhea (First Reader)
Belicia Rhea is a writer who was born under a waning crescent moon in the Sonoran Desert. She spends much of her time obsessing about animals, planets, and brushing her absolutely relentless hair.
Abbey Schlanz (First Reader)
Abbey is a sometimes-writer, sometimes-editor, sometimes-human currently living in Wisconsin. In her spare time she enjoys reading, hiking, doing tarot readings, and falling deeper down the rabbit hole of fiber arts. Her work has been published in Ohio's Best Emerging Poets: An Anthology, The Sandy River Review, and Calliope, among others.
Clark Seanor (Accessibility Editor)
Clark Seanor is a programmer, cosplayer, and language nerd who likes reading weird fiction and weirder comics. They grew up in Vancouver, but currently lives in the U.K.
Arturo Serrano (Copy Editor)
Arturo Serrano is a translator, critic, and part-time cookie monster who has been twice longlisted for the Best Fan Writer Hugo. He helps edit the fanzine Nerds of a Feather and is obsessed with nonviolent TTRPGs. He wrote the alternate history novel To Climates Unknown. His favorite animal is the potoo. He lives in Bogotá (Colombia) with his husband.
Hebe Stanton (Senior Fiction Editor)
Hebe Stanton is a professional copywriter and longtime SFF fan. Based in Oxford, UK, where they live with their partner and a very demanding cat, they write about science fiction and other genres at englishstudens.com.
Chris Stone-Bush (Copy Editor)
Chris Stone-Bush is a Philadelphia native who now works in Japan as a conversational English instructor. She spends what little free time she has writing small games, painting small models, and listening to pulp sword & sorcery audiobooks. She can be found on Twitter, Bluesky, and Instagram at @hyvemynd, and at https://hyvemynd.itch.io/.
Romie Stott (Senior Poetry Editor, Management)
Romie Stott is a filmmaker and closed captioner. Her poems have appeared in inkscrawl, Dreams&Nightmares, Polu Texni, and Liminality, but she is better known for her essays in The Toast and Atlas Obscura, and a microfiction project called postorbital. She has been a guest artist of the National Gallery (London), the Institute of Contemporary Art (Boston), and the Dallas Museum of Art. You can find her fairly complete bibliography here.
Aishwarya Subramanian (Book Reviews Editor)
By day, Aishwarya Subramanian is a PhD student who researches and writes about children's literature, fantasy and postcolonialism. By night, she's an SFF reviewer and editor (who writes about children's literature, fantasy and postcolonialism). She lives in India (Delhi) and the UK (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), blogs at Practically Marzipan, and spends far too much time on Twitter.
Yejin Suh (First Reader)
Yejin Suh is a writer at Princeton University whose work appears in places like Half Mystic and Counterclock Journal, and has been recognized by L Ron Hubbards Writers of the Future. She manages Wintermute Lit, a speculative fiction publication for young/emerging writers. She is from the NY metro area.
Renee Van Siclen (First Reader)
Renee Van Siclen lives in Minneapolis with her partner and fur children (two cats and two guinea pigs). She has a Master's degree in Public Policy, and when she's not reading genre fiction, she's usually listening to political podcasts, lifting weights, or working on a quilt depicting Edward Gorey's Gashlycrumb Tinies. She tweets at @SiclenAdAstra.
Katherine Tweedle (Copy Editor)
Katherine Tweedle is a freelance writer and editor and a youth pastor's wife on a new assignment in Niagara Falls, USA. She writes literary speculative fiction and enjoys editing fiction and APA essays. Her time is divided between work, youth ministry, and advocating for her disabled sibling. She's on X and Insta @kmilltweed.
R. Honor Vincent (Fundraising Editor)
Honor Vincent is a third-generation New Yorker who lives, works, and writes on a tiny island in the East River. By day she runs the retreat at the Recurse Center, a writer's retreat for programmers; by night she writes comics, poetry and short fiction (an inordinate amount of which is about rodents). You can find her work at https://www.rhonorv.com/words.
Kathryn Weaver (Senior Fiction Editor)
Kat Weaver is an illustrator and writer who lives in St. Paul, Minnesota with her wife and two birds. Her work has been published in Apex Magazine, Lackington's, Neon Hemlock press, and elsewhere. Her portfolio can be found at kathrynmweaver.com.
Aigner Loren Wilson (Senior Fiction Editor)
Aigner Loren Wilson (she/her) is a SFWA, HWA, and Codex writer who writes poetry, nonfiction, games, and teaches writers how to understand the craft. Along with her work with Strange Horizons, she's guest-edited for Fireside Fiction, Appairition Literary Magazine, and is a former NIGHTLIGHT associate editor. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Lightspeed Magazine, WIRED, FIYAH, The Writer, and many more. Her work has been called evocative, noteworthy, and imaginative and has earned her an honorable mention for the 2019 Otherwise Fellowship Award. Currently, her queer dark SciFi near-future thriller is doing the query rounds in search of an agent. Readers can find her and links to her work through her website aignerlwilson.com
E.M. Wright (First Reader)
E.M. Wright is a writer and attorney. She lives in a Pennsylvania valley with an average annual rainfall greater than Seattle’s, which is fine because she likes the color green.
Vicki Xu (First Reader)
Vicki Xu is a university student studying Applied Math. In her free time, she reads as much as she can, takes long walks, and writes for the magazine of the Harvard Crimson. Find her on Twitter @vicku___.