I think it probably all started in a sand box, designing roads and bridges and cities. I don't remember when I began to draw, but the feeling of creating is the same to me, no matter what the media.
Everyone says practice, practice, practice... but I just keep trying to make the next project work out better, or put down an image that bothers me until I finish it. I've had some setbacks along the way and had to relearn a lot, but even when I've set myself to practice something in particular, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I don't think to myself "Ah, today is a cat day." when I wake up, but sometimes I think "Ah, today was a cat day." when I go to sleep. (It can be very frustrating to have a dragon day when you need to draw a cat.)
I hope that in the artwork I've already done, people will find things that make them laugh, or find a story or a dream, or just share a bit of amazement. I'm not giving up yet though, I want to be able to show people things I see when my eyes are closed, though I can't do it yet. It's possible though, it's the same as knowing the dress in an old black and white movie is red, remember it's red, and being shocked that the movie isn't in color the next time you see it. I want to do that.
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