James Mendez Hodes is a Filipino-American writer, game designer, cultural consultant, and martial artist from the greater New York metropolitan area. He earned a bachelor's degree in Religion, with minors in Dance and English Literature, from Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania; and a master's degree in Eastern Classics from St. John's Graduate Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico. You might know him from his ENnie Award-winning work on role-playing games like 7th Sea and Scion, his blog where he makes fun of the children for whom he runs role-playing games, or his translation of Homer's Iliad into rap. His primary party role is tank, secondary support.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mndz
Mastodon: scream.supply/@lula
Twitter: @LulaVampiro
email: lula dot vampiro at gmail dot com
Facebook: lula.vampiro