What of material effect will all this criticism have achieved? Reader, we can’t say. Maybe none. But maybe some. Who knows?
Believe me, it was obvious from the get-go who was endangered by 1967’s Dangerous Visions .
We can see conservative values, fears, and hopes playing out in many Western science fiction works—and patriarchal ideals around motherhood, reproduction, and family are everywhere.
Collective Dreaming: The Schrödinger’s Cat Approach to Framing Futures
The key is to evade the rigid and hegemonic structures of Western-oriented writing.
And Back Again: The Enduring Appeal of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings Trilogy
It’d be an understatement to say that The Return of the King fundamentally altered my brain chemistry.
The Celts Meet Celtic Fantasy
What would it look like for dominant-language fantasy to engage with the living cultures, contemporary politics, and modern histories of Celtic-language communities?
faded computations / erased by the light of blood moons and / chalk
An Alternate Ending for “The Breakdown of Family N” in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
And progress will become return / And the mother will become fetal
In this episode of Strange Horizons @ 25, Kat Kourbeti sits down with SFF critic and writer Bogi Takács for an in-depth conversation about the role of criticism in the SFF space, plus an overall look at their varied career.
Wednesday: Takaoka’s Travels by Tatsuhiko Shibusawa
Friday: We Are All Monsters: How Deviant Organisms Came to Define Us by Andrew Mangham