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And what after all would you need to ask them,
those specters thawing out of the Northwest Passage
like carbon from permafrost, the outflow of Larsen C
silting their famished spoor of boots and buttons,
sun dogs at the heel of their ever-shifting north?
How deep the cost can sink in cold equations,
tolling kelp-clappered watches of brash ice?
The common denominator, beyond white drill and red ink,
of empire irreducible as flensed bone?
The incommensurate kindness of seal liver,
the frost-fumbling grip when the pack underfoot
is already calving to myth and memory—
or would you hear out from these soft lead oracles
the secrets we stopper within our own mouths,
that liquid lesson they met hard as a mirror
between aurora and extremity,
seeping from each step of our high ground?

Sonya Taaffe reads dead languages and tells living stories. Her short fiction and poetry have been collected most recently in As the Tide Came Flowing In (Nekyia Press) and previously in Singing Innocence and Experience, Postcards from the Province of HyphensA Mayse-Bikhl, Ghost Signs, and the Lambda-nominated Forget the Sleepless Shores. She lives with one of her husbands and both of her cats in Somerville, Massachusetts, where she writes about film for Patreon and remains proud of naming a Kuiper Belt object.
Current Issue
7 Oct 2024

The aquarium is different every time I die. Exhibits reshuffling like a deck of cards. The blood loss, though, that’s reliable.
i need lichen / to paint my exoskeleton in bursts of blue and yellow.
specters thawing out of the Northwest Passage like carbon from permafrost
By: Christopher Blake
Podcast read by: Emmie Christie
  In this episode of the Strange Horizons Fiction podcast, Michael Ireland presents Christopher Blake's "A Recipe for Life, A Tonic for Grief" read by Emmie Christie. You can read the full text of the story, and more about Chris, here. Subscribe to the Strange Horizons podcast: Spotify
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