Content warning:
vying for his rightful place
upon dragon patrol’s flag
he takes the stump
and screeches at the boys
i am man! no i am dragon
man!! the beef of his arm vibrates
as he curls his bicep
into ever more and more and more bicep
mounds of veiny muscle
ripping through his skin with each flex
posturing himself as strong
and bad and everything a boy desires
himself to be i bring you fire!
he shrieks, embers crackling
out his jowl onto the boys’ faces
scorching through to bone
i bring you flame! i even bring you
the power of BURNINATION!!!
the scouts jump to their feet
faces lit up as torches on march
to set a spinster’s hut to ash
and chant trog-dor! trog-dor!
they grab the cloth flag
sew an S (for dragon)
a more different S (also for dragon)
closed curves for the mouth
then, of course, the consummate Vs
for sharp teeth and sharp spineties and sharp
eyebrows furled into
the cruelty of boyish glee
now! the dragon man steps forward
one last touch! he sucks in deep
scales sizzling along his body
and puffs his funk
into the stitches of the fabric
as the embers gutter out
the stink of meat still
wafting from the singes
our patrol leader hoists the flag
in the air and screeches
we are men! no, we are dragon
men!! the scouts howl in reply
and i worry, i worry,
he may be right