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Rowan Morrison is a Fiction editor at khōréō. He is a writer and editor based in Cleveland, Ohio, where he thinks about trauma, trans identities, political wonkery, and storytelling. He tweets at @timesnew_rowan.

Current Issue
16 Sep 2024

A whale soars over Brooklyn. Clouds spread in streaks over the pale blue sky like cold butter. And the whale cleaves right through. Dar spots it from his perch on the rooftop, smoking a contraband cigarette. At first, it looks like the whale is just playing. Bobbing in and out of the clouds the way calves do during their migratory season. But the whale is too large to be a calf; it casts a shadow over the entire block as it glides directly overhead.
there’s a word—but it’s gone, stolen, seized in the raid; the others have it now
rain / tinged with lavender, mild scent / of rot and freshness.
Issue 9 Sep 2024
Issue 2 Sep 2024
Issue 26 Aug 2024
Issue 19 Aug 2024
Issue 12 Aug 2024
Issue 5 Aug 2024
Issue 29 Jul 2024
Issue 15 Jul 2024
Issue 8 Jul 2024
Issue 1 Jul 2024
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