“Marriage is like an offer. It compels one to exist in two different worlds. Can you really handle that much trouble?”
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Innocent Chizaram Ilo's "Of Warps and Wefts."
Dear Poetry Consumer, / To better serve your needs, / This poem is interactive.
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents Marie Vibbert's "To Current Occupant," with commentary by the poet. From the poet: Its inspiration was actually a spam email that I got, and I thought the spam email was rather poetic, and I had been collecting bits and pieces of spam to make into a poem. And so I started out just crunching together this poem called, “To Current Occupant.” I liked the way those words sounded together. I actually wrote just a plain, straight-up, normal poem, I guess you would say, but the first line was always,