Table of Contents | 17 November 2003
Dr. and Mrs. Elwood Barlow request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Rosalie to Mr. T. C. Ursus on Saturday, the thirteenth of June, at one o'clock at the First Methodist Church.
Some died alone, some asleep, one in quiet pain and two more in shrieking terror of their lives. I remember them all.
MICHAEL SWANWICK 1950 - 98,347 This monument erected by his loving widow, Marianne Porter.
We firmly believe that the writers published in Strange Horizons are among the best and brightest the speculative fiction community has to offer, so we believe that we're doing right by both the writers and the community to keep our status as a SFWA-pro magazine.
When all are asleep, / I can hear the stars sizzling like / 4th of July sparklers, / the moon grumbling to itself, / and the silence of / possibility seeking a voice in / a busily mutating world.
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10 Nov 2003
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24 Nov 2003