Table of Contents | 19 July 2021
Near the end of her days, Abuela Manuela Corazon Monquillo would make the confession that the secret to a long life—if that was anything to be desired at all—was a thorough accounting of sins and carefully crafted deceits. When she made that observation to her devoted secretary, she was aged more than a full century. She was beyond the graying years and was already as melancholy and stooped as a weeping dalakit tree. She was, truth to tell, edging towards her 150th year, but her mind was still sharp—even if memory itself became, for
By: Ian Rosales Casocot
Podcast read by: Kat Kourbeti
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Kat Kourbeti presents Ian Rosales Casocot's "The Cataloguer of Deceit."
By: Nora Claire Miller
Podcast read by: Ciro Faienza
Podcast read by: Nora Claire Miller
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents Nora Claire Miller's “In the Witch’s House” with a reading by the poet.
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12 Jul 2021
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26 Jul 2021