Table of Contents | 20 June 2005
In the Year of the Ox, Ting-An decided to plow his fields and sow them with animals instead of plants.
It wasn't that she hadn't forgiven him; she could hardly do otherwise, as much as she loved him, and it wasn't in her nature to be vengeful. She had forgiven her stepsisters, after all, when they stood there in front of her with bloody feet, their toes cut off to steal her prince from her.
I have the luxury of the whole summer off this year. My days are not filling up with other human beings.
These stars will never shine so bright / as they do now. Our future lies / darker & lonelier every night.
"Undead workers are kind of a gray area as far as the feds are concerned. And you bet your boots the unions are fighting it."
Violet Miranda: Girl Pirate , page 17 of 24. A serialized graphic novel.
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13 Jun 2005
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27 Jun 2005