Table of Contents | 23 January 2017
There has been much discussion about Ann Leckie’s treatment of gender in the Imperial Radch trilogy, Ancillary Justice, Ancillary Sword, and Ancillary Mercy The Radchaai, after whom the trilogy is named, have no language for expressing gendered difference.
Anaea Lay presents Timothy Phin's talk, "Finding Rome in the Radch."
By: S. Qiouyi Lu
By: Salik Shah
By: Arjun Rajendran
Podcast read by: S. Qiouyi Lu
Podcast read by: Salik Shah
Podcast read by: Arjun Rajendran
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents poetry from the January issues.
"Hell is too crowded," a gang of demons informs the hero of Robert Irwin's Wonders Will Never Cease : "So we have come to live with you." "Be kind to me," begs the protagonist of Jonathan Lethem's A Gambler's Anatomy , speaking to a native of California, "I'm not from this planet." Both of these quotes, excerpted as they are from tales out of the fantastika toolkit, describe how it feels to stay alive here. Together they say our home is haunted and not in fact our home no more no more.
New website, same traditions: welcome to the results of this year's Readers' Poll. It's one of my favourite moments in the SH calendar, a time to take stock of -- and celebrate!
A joke in our school, passed
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16 Jan 2017
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30 Jan 2017