Table of Contents | 24 August 2020
They cough red and yellow into handkerchiefs
By: Leslie J. Anderson
Podcast read by: Ciro Faienza
Podcast read by: Leslie J. Anderson
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents Leslie J. Anderson's “In the Valley of Midas” as read by the poet.
The stories and poem were accepted around the concept “What is the legacy and the future of Africa and the African Diaspora?” We wanted to create an open-ended anthology that wasn’t easily defined as horror, Afrofuturism, and any number of genres in between. It was, and still is, an ambitious goal.
Platforms are not created to be equal—power dynamics tend to replicate themselves, unless there is a foundation, a structure, specifically addressing them, and a continuing conversation of checks and balances to ensure equality
This is what happens when you create a time paradox. You get mashed by space-time forces.
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17 Aug 2020
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31 Aug 2020