Table of Contents | 25 January 2021
In a global literature community, invisibility is not an option; it is a drowning. We aim to sail the speculative ocean, and navigate towards better literary futures
By: Beatriz F. Fernandez
Podcast read by: Ciro Faienza
Podcast read by: Beatriz F. Fernandez
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents Beatriz F. Fernandez's “The Time Tourist | El Turista del Tiempo” as read by the poet, first in English, then in Spanish.
Only I, who pack years in my bags like souvenirs, can arrive, leave and come back, unchanged. | Sólo yo, que empaco los años como recuerdos en mis maletas, puedo llegar, salir y volver, sin nunca cambiar.
The unofficial theme for this quarterly roundup is “companion animals.” It felt right to choose this theme at the end of a rough and trying year when many of us have come to appreciate the animals in our lives even more than we did before, what with all the physical distancing and lockdowns depriving us of human company.
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18 Jan 2021
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1 Feb 2021