Table of Contents | 30 June 2014
Élisabeth Vonarburg is a weaver of words.
When she realized that this time she couldn't leave, the Voyager decided to keep a diary.
Strange Horizons
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Elisabeth Vonarburg's "Chambered Nautilus."
I was recently at Fantasticon, which is an annual Danish convention held in Denmark, and the conversations I had over there were mostly about language and the use of language.
Last year, after Steampunk III: Steampunk Revolution   came out, acclaimed SF critic John Clute wrote a review that bounced from the essay that editor Ann VanderMeer graciously had me rewrite for inclusion into the anthology.
The mountain watches me, / the mountain trembles up and down
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23 Jun 2014
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7 Jul 2014