Table of Contents | 4 May 2020
By: Vida Cruz
Podcast read by: Anaea Lay
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Vida Cruz's “Have Your #Hugot Harvested at This Diwata-Owned Café.”
I can almost sense a symbiotic connection between color, sound, movement, and emotion, like they’re all part of the same composition.
But why should the average Manila foodie come to the diwata’s café, when there are so many other choices? Why should anyone try the café’s simple but delicious Filipino-Spanish hybrid cuisine, when historically, humans have been unable to stomach mythic food without physical, psychological, moral, or magical consequences?
in my silver mask and my yellow gun / still humming with golden bees
By: Raimo Kangasniemi
Podcast read by: Ciro Faienza
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents Raimo Kangasniemi's “OCTOBER 2026: THE END OF THE PICNIC.”
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20 Apr 2020
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11 May 2020