Table of Contents | 1 December 2014
Congratulations on your purchase of Kenneth Barrow, summer 1981's most desirable creature, six-foot-nothing in combat boots and a sweat-damp T-shirt, immaculately scruffed, conquistador of dance floors both domestic and foreign (meaning north of 42nd Street).
If games development companies could be anthropomorphized, Ice-Pick Lodge would be the haunted eccentric, the self-made thespian with a taste for the ghoulish, the genius with a sunken stare and a boxful of shoddy miracles.
As we wind down 2014, we're saying goodbye to a few familiar faces, and hello to a few new ones, with changes in the reviews, poetry, and fiction departments, as well as an expansion of the art department.
your tears will etch lines of rust around your eyes— / do not polish them away
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Sam J. Miller's "Kenneth: A User's Manual."
Prev Issue
24 Nov 2014
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8 Dec 2014