Table of Contents | 18 July 2016
Direct link: Her Sacred Spirit Soars (mp3) In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents S. Qiouyi Lu's "Her Sacred Spirit Soars." You can read the full text of the story, and more about S. Qiouyi, here. Subscribe to the Strange Horizons podcast: iTunes | RSS | Other Options
I lived in Seattle for about five years, but only went up to Vancouver two or three times, and that was a crime on my part because it’s a beautiful city: great landscape, good eating, packed with Canadians.
There are greater opportunities for writers of gay fiction now than ever before.
I’m tired of seeing blue space babes and ridiculous, spiky armor in highly rendered but­ stylistically ­uninteresting illustrations.
You bear our weight on your leg; when you tire, I bear our weight on mine. We work our two eyes together.
Her mouth is caramelised fig and salt tang / and she wears seaweed in her hair.
Riverbed is home. / Tides fold over me, smooth and sweet, asking: / what could be worth burning your voice out, up there?
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11 Jul 2016
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25 Jul 2016