Table of Contents | 25 July 2016
One of the bigger issues across all LBGTQIA+ representation—and, indeed, all representation of non-dominant groups—is plurality of characters.
"No one has imagined us" seems simple if taken as no one has imagined me . No single individual can be imagined in all its singularity. The "us" makes all the difference.
What if aliens invaded and we had to learn how to accommodate them?  What would change politically, socially, culturally, linguistically?
The fluidity, inclusiveness, and fundamental  instability  of queerness are the attributes that draw me to it.
Later, Brother Francis would not be able to remember when it was that he first started thinking of the golden thing as a man—possibly when it blanched, braced itself against its restraints, and vomited oil all over the floor.
Direct link: Bull of Heaven (mp3) In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Gabriel Murray's "Bull of Heaven." You can read the full text of the story, and more about Gabriel, here. Subscribe to the Strange Horizons podcast: iTunes | RSS | Other Options
"be careful, stone of my heart, / she said. mortal men hunger / for us, and some mistake need / for love."
my toes are still curled as / you surface to kiss me, ambrosia / on your lips as I welcome you in.
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents poetry from the July issues.
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18 Jul 2016
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1 Aug 2016