Table of Contents | 20 July 2020
The ice under the casket was jagged, but Royal Spencer hauled, and the casket slid.
By: Ranylt Richildis
Podcast read by: Anaea Lay
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Ranylt Richildis's “The Stitch Beneath the Ice.”
By: JD Fox
The sun is really white you know / Because it's light / I know
By: JD Fox
Podcast read by: Ciro Faienza
Podcast read by: JD Fox
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents JD Fox's “Coloring the Sun You Know” with a reading by the poet.
My goal is to create an art and a range of works that people can relate to and connect with just by looking at the image.
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13 Jul 2020
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3 Aug 2020