Table of Contents | 13 July 2020
“If you’re going to live here on Earth, you’re to live as a human child of your apparent age.”
By: Alex Jennings
Podcast read by: Anaea Lay
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Alex Jennings's “The LEAP Test.”
blending in with the crumbling paint on the cabinets that never closed, not fully
By: Kimberly Kaufman
Podcast read by: Ciro Faienza
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents Kimberly Kaufman's “Did You Know Ghosts Are Made of Shattered Carbon?”
Strange Horizons is now accepting fiction submissions for our Mexico Special issue, which will be published at the end of November 2020!
Strange Horizons lanza su convocatoria en busca textos narrativos para su Especial de México, que se publicará a finales de noviembre de 2020!
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6 Jul 2020
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20 Jul 2020