Table of Contents | 21 November 2016
Kent was going to be the first person to die on Venus. He knew it with iron certainty the moment the railing gave way and he slipped into the acidic mist.
For this comet's path I chose it, carved it to be our temporary castle. In the act of opening I let its secrets leak out into the starlight, exposing this pocked and hissing water-ice as blue as your seven elder sisters.
A whirlwind is the beginning. . . . And in a whirlwind is the end. Yet the seed is in the whirlwind, and in the kiss of snow.
By: Jay Werkheiser
Podcast read by: Anaea Lay
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Jay Werkheiser’s “One Giant Leap.”
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14 Nov 2016
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28 Nov 2016