Table of Contents | 22 June 2020
I can’t / help friending you on Facebook just to show how great my / life’s gotten
By: Neha Maqsood
Podcast read by: Ciro Faienza
Podcast read by: Neha Maqsood
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents Neha Maqsood's “Things I Do to Remember Home” with a reading by the poet.
"A Tale Of Truths was inspired by the European Baroque and Rococo eras, and thus a very stratified society seemed appropriate, with a little bit of class conflict. I was also inspired by the Japanese Heian and Feudal era, which had maybe even more minutely stratified societies than 1600s Europe."
The unofficial theme for this edition of Short Fiction Treasures is “family.” Family has been on my mind a lot this year, with the COVID-19 pandemic changing the way we spend more time with, or are thoroughly separated from, our loved ones. Family relationships are a crucial part of all our lives, but these relationships can be both complicated and conflicted, something that is explored in this selection of stories.
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15 Jun 2020
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30 Jun 2020