Table of Contents | 25 May 2015
This week, we are pleased to bring you a short extract from Vestiges , the first volume of the Quantika trilogy by Laurence Suhner.
"For me drawing, writing and composing music are one single thing. Or various aspects of the same thing. I like to live in a wide imaginary world."
According to the lore, a fan named Peter Graham once responded to a debate on what age—referring to period of time—constituted the “Golden Age” of science fiction by saying “twelve.”
This girl knew once-upon-a-times like / The savory pasta that supplanted / Her grandmother's spicy lentils and rice
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents poetry from the May issues.
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Laurence Suhner's "Vestiges (extract)."
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18 May 2015
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1 Jun 2015