Table of Contents | 26 January 2015
This is the story that was supposed to be about owls and ended up being, in part, about Israel's bombing Lebanon in 2006.
"The project grew and changed as we worked on it because in the end what we really cared about was putting together a collection of really good stories."
"Sometimes he's so insightful and brilliant, and sometimes he's barking mad, so that you can go from "Yes yes yes!" to "Oh Plato, no!" so fast you get whiplash. I find that tension very productive."
When I’m in a bookstore, looking at new releases, I notice an abundance of dark urban fantasy, grimdark fantasy, zombie novels, and (to a lesser extent) novels set in Lovecraft’s universe.
when I swallow, sometimes / I see stars, big ones / or Kardashians
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents poetry from the January issues.
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Amal El-Mohtar's "The Truth About Owls."
The results of this year's Readers' Poll, and a welcome to our new Art Directors.
She used to wish for eyes the color of her father's, the beautiful pale green-blue that people were always startled to see in a brown face. But she likes, now, having eyes and hair of a color those same people find frightening.
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19 Jan 2015
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2 Feb 2015