Table of Contents | 28 March 2011
The game-to-published-fiction stream doesn't flow just one way.
All the doors are open. The earth / is rejecting the rain. Water tests our worth / through slow disintegration. All the cogs / of our lives have broken teeth.
"Shared worlds is about creative problem-solving, about every decision having consequences and leading to more decisions, about every solution affecting every aspect of the world. Everything goes into the stew of an imaginary world. Students pull on what they've learned in school, draw on their unique talents and interests. It's all blended together. And they get to do all that under the guidance of Wofford professors and some of the finest speculative fiction writers in the world. Can you imagine? Being fifteen-years-old and studying writing with Holly Black! That would've blown my mind as a teenager."
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21 Mar 2011
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4 Apr 2011