Table of Contents | 29 October 2018
A smile spread on she beautiful brown face, like when you draw your finger through molasses on a plate. “Sit down nuh, doux-doux, you in your nice clean pressed white shirt? I glad you dress up to come and see me.”
By: Nalo Hopkinson
Podcast read by: Jovan Julien
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Nalo Hopkinson's “Fisherman.”
I wanted humanity to lose its sense of exceptionalism and specialness. We’re just one species out of countless others, and we cannot survive without banding together and developing a more communal mindset.
By: Judy Budnitz
Podcast read by: Anaea Lay
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Judy Budnitz's “Directions.”
This is a city of many faces. It folds itself into dark corners. It stretches out its fingers of neon signs and asphalt. It unrolls itself like a magic carpet. It changes from day to day.
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26 Oct 2018
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5 Nov 2018