Table of Contents | 30 September 2002
"Each time you go for a walk, I want you to think about one of the painful memories that make you not want to get up in the morning. I want you to carry that feeling with you and imagine it's something concrete, something you can see. Take it with you into the woods and leave it there."
Why is the severed head such a powerful image throughout movies and within our heads? I want to begin by taking us back to some prehistoric conceptions and myths surrounding severed heads, and then move to some more contemporary science fictional ideas.
This isn't about physics or / geography, it's about the fact / that the world must rest on someone's shoulders
Describing themselves as "edu-core," the band performs nothing but two-minute thrash tributes to science fiction writers. Between songs, the band pelts the audience with paperback books, quizzes them on book titles, and demands that the audience show their library cards. Their motto: "The Faster You Go Deaf, the More Time You Have to Read."
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23 Sep 2002
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7 Oct 2002