Table of Contents | 7 September 2020
By: Catherynne M. Valente
Podcast read by: Anaea Lay
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Catherynne M. Valente's “Color, Heat, and the Wreck of the Argo.”
There are things besides coyotes to watch for out here
By: Bethany Powell
Podcast read by: Ciro Faienza
Podcast read by: Bethany Powell
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents Bethany Powell's “Trust Your Eyes” as read by the poet.
For many years I did digital art, but about three years ago I realized that I like the physicality of traditional art way more.
She chooses at random. No one is special, or unspecial. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they look like. They’re just data.
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31 Aug 2020
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14 Sep 2020