Table of Contents | 26 November 2018
Broken bits of habitat disappeared like a low Earth fog evaporating under the pressure of a bright sun.
By: A.M. Fals
Podcast read by: Ciro Faienza
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents A.M. Fals’s “Space in Our Relationship”.
So. In a world like this it is good to know where you are.
Is a film about circles that loops its ending into its beginning more than a gimmick? Is a story about boredom that’s intentionally boring a big deal? Is a sprawling book about the sprawl of existence doing anything interesting? By its nature, Always Coming Home contains a kind of resistance that other books by Le Guin did not, though maybe resistance is the wrong word.
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19 Nov 2018
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10 Dec 2018