Table of Contents | 27 June 2016
Judith Tarr is one of the most accomplished, complex, innovative, and consistently brilliant writers I can think of.
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents poetry from the June issues.
Can cities slip from being living, breathing places to being what we might call living-dead, however exquisite the corpse is? Alongside climatic changes or catastrophes, do you think there's a danger of cities being perfected out of existence? 
SF is a genre of turbulent times and that turbulence is often reflected in apocalyptic and postapocalyptic imagery whose first symptom is the slum.
"Manchester is historically a centre of innovation. We had the industrial revolution, the first railway stations, the first programmable computer, the atom was split here, and more recently we've isolated graphene. So it made sense that future innovations in genetic engineering would happen here as well."
Forget the birds and the bats and the king rats / you feel yourself you are. Remember your bones.
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20 Jun 2016
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4 Jul 2016