Table of Contents | 29 January 2018
Welcome to a special issue celebrating SFF from the trans and nonbinary community.
Where trans and nonbinary people exist, not as a plot twist, or a speculative flavor, but as people building worlds out of words.
"Hey," I blurted out. "I think your camera's broken."
By: Yoon Ha Lee
Podcast read by: Anaea Lay
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Yoon Ha Lee's "Obscura."
The camera high up in the opposite corner of the room was watching, I knew, its clever algorithms ready to alert my supervisor the second its analysis of my bearing caught me going “inattentive, distracted, unpleasant, inactive” or anything else the company handbook warned against.
By: Jamie Berrout
Podcast read by: Sam Guay
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Jamie Berrout's "A Snow, A Flood, A Fire."
What’s a thing that disappears / The more it creates, / And the more it destroys—
the day your teacher asks what your epitaph, your lineage, will be is the day you learn that in this world your death is the strongest thing you build.
I say, your transgender / child self isn’t a ghost, but you insist.
Speculative poetry allowed me to experience a queer, flexible time—one which held my body steady at a time the rest of me was elsewhere dreaming.
Asking cis readers to bend themselves just a little to read our works can be a form of education in itself: recognizing how much they've been centered when suddenly they're not.
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25 Jan 2018
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5 Feb 2018