Table of Contents | 29 September 2008
They bombed the clinic again at seven a.m. that Friday, between my shower and the hunt for a clean pair of socks.
[W]hile the podcast novel has attracted thousands of fans, it is unclear whether famed and celebrated podcasters can generate similar enthusiasm from the book-buying public, many of whom have never heard of podcasting. Several authors, however, are poised as forerunners who may well determine the long-term publication prospects of the fiction podcaster.
As a researcher who firmly believes that there are more similarities than differences between social interaction online and social interaction face-to-face, and whose own research in fact hinges on the assumption that classical social theory will be born out in virtual interaction, it's nice to see some confirmation.
She drags his body down, away from town, / to bury with the others, flattened grass / running wrong way against my scalp. /
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22 Sep 2008
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