Table of Contents | 7 March 2016
Strange Horizons
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Tim Akers's "The Angel of Divine Intent."
I read JY Yang's excellent post on the recent Clarion thing and thought about theidea of membership in the "community" . . .
Just a quick note this week, to welcome our new Articles team!
I show my palm—where she blooms— / to our parents who / unravel before us, fall, / fall like tinkling beads.
Death smells like this: / ash and burned hair, something you call charcoal, / his cologne, the warm, weak tea he loved to drink.  
The choir-drive raised eyeless faces to the stained glass portals of the clerestory, their voices lifted in ecstatic calculation.
Prev Issue
29 Feb 2016
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14 Mar 2016