Table of Contents | Fund Drive 2020
Our editors have seen a massive increase in submissions from writers since the Covid-19 crisis, and we want to be able to read and publish that work.
We didn’t want your nail clippings or your blood. Your laughter, or tears, would do.
By: Sheree Renée Thomas
Podcast read by: Anaea Lay
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Sheree Renée Thomas's “The Parts That Make Us Monsters.”
By: Maggie Damken
Podcast read by: Anaea Lay
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Maggie Damken's “The Bee Thing.”
Today Mrs. Farling asks me about the Bee Thing and whether it’s permanent. I say, I don’t know. Probably not. She says it’s just a shame, because I really had such a pretty face, and now I don’t.
They say that the Voyagers will outlast us for billions of years.
as if I wouldn’t wish to get all my deaths over with at once instead of waiting in dirt
Sweets for the stove god, the stickier the better.
I am resistant to corrosion, but you knew that.
I clearly heard her ask, in a voice part human and part cat: Can I stay the night?
In place of fear that they will lose control, the posthumans accept that control was never in their grasp and that the natural world extends beyond their reach and that nature has a beauty that is beyond the human.
"I should say that there were two issues of Journal of Palestine Studies (in Arabic) that asked writers, not only Palestinian writers, to imagine a future Palestine, using literary, but other genres too. But since these were in Arabic, they are not on the radar."
"Imagining alternatives is important. I think this is what drew me to writing speculative fiction. Speculative fiction has more flexibility and range than realism to not just to ask what-ifs but to paint a picture so lucid and so real of a probability or a future or a reimagined present."
Every year my own sense of what is speculative is broader, but I think the reasons are still the same.
For the Strange Horizons 2020 Fund Drive, a conversation between fiction editor Catherine Krahe and accessibility editor Becca Evans. They chatter about accessibility, crafting, design, and finding joy in fanfic and games.  Becca Evans: Hey Catherine! Let’s do some talking about some stuff! I figure we can introduce ourselves to the lovely readers and then go from there! I'm a very recent graduate (just earned my master's degree) from the States, currently in job-search mode. I’ve been working with SH for … about a year now, first as an Accessibility Editor, then as an intern, and now as an AE and as
We’re all building on what has gone before to make something even bigger and better rather than trying to put up barriers to understanding. 
Articles editor Joyce Chng and poetry editor Romie Stott discuss houseplants, mouse drawings, editorial processes, and what they’re reading in their spare time.
My own love of Delhi is often mournful, but also quite stubborn.
Art directors Heather McDougal and Dante Luiz discuss speculative fiction, fashion, artistic dreams, and inspirations.
The poetry world’s response to Black Lives Matter has also, out of necessity, become a response to the Poetry Foundation’s inadequate stance and long history of unethical treatment of BIPOC.
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1 Jun 2020
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8 Jun 2020